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Preparing to Submit a Data Use Checkup (DUC)

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The Data Use Checkup is a tool that allows you to request access to platform features for your app. It also allows Meta to confirm you are operating within the bounds of the Developer Data Use Policy, or DDUP.

You will submit a DUC to request platform features for new apps that require access to user data, and any time you want to add a feature after your app is live. In addition to submitting a DUC for any new features you want to add, you will also receive notification to complete an annual DUC recertification for existing apps. This lets you demonstrate that you still have a valid need for that user data.

This guide will help you prepare to successfully submit a DUC and avoid delays in getting platform features approved.

Step 1: Know what features you are requesting access to and why.

A clear explanation of your business case helps you align with Meta on appropriate and responsible data use.

  • Be as descriptive as possible
  • Provide demonstrative screenshots when necessary
  • Be prepared to use the Additional Comments section to provide...
    • details about what data you need
    • how you will use the data
    • how the feature will enhance user experience

Step 2: Make sure your privacy policy meets Meta's requirements and expectations.

Step 3: Prepare to answer data handling questions.

Meta will ask questions to ensure that you and your partners will handle user data responsibly.

Step 4: Read the DDUP in full to help ensure your data collection and use practices comply.

To comply with Virtual Reality Check Privacy.5, if your users' data is compromised, or if you have had a breach or incident in the past:

  • Use the incident response form to let Meta know immediately
  • Use the Additional Comments section of the DUC to provide your reviewer with everything they need, and help you get ahead of their questions

Disclaimer: This resource does not guarantee compliance with Meta policies, nor applicable data privacy laws. Review Meta Horizon's Developer Data Use Policy for a comprehensive overview of Meta's requirements.

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Navigating the Data Use Checkup

The Data Use Checkup is a tool Meta uses to confirm whether you are operating within the bounds of the Developer Data Use Policy, and to grant you access to platform features. This badge walks you through preparing for the DUC, answering data handling questions, and navigating the submission and review process.

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