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how-to guide

Building Your App with Use Cases

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4 min read

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Use cases make building an app quicker and easier. Rather than selecting permissions and features one-by-one, you will select the use case that most closely aligns with the functionality you need. Each use case comes with a package of the preselected settings, permissions, and features required for that use case, with flexible options for customization based on your specific needs.

Step 1: Create

From the App Dashboard, select “Create App”

Create App button located at the top of Meta's Developer Dashboard

Step 2: Select

Select a use case that most closely aligns with the functionality you need

Use case options for app functionality located in Meta's  Developer Dashboard
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Review the associated compliance requirements so you know what to expect.

Note: The use case library will expand to include more use cases over time. If the available options don't suit your needs, select "Other" to be redirected to an app creation flow where you will be prompted to select an app type. Then, choose individual permissions, features, and products related to the app type you selected. Please note that if you create an app by selecting an app type instead of selecting a use case, the submission process and Dashboard view will differ with this flow.

Step 3: Customize

Add a sub-use case, which captures the most common customizations developers make

Permission options available in Meta's Developer Dashboard

Finish customizing the app by adding the permissions and completing use case customizations one at a time

Use case selections and customization options available in Meta's Developer Dashboard
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Review the requirements for each use case so you know what to expect before submitting for App Review

Disclaimer: This resource does not guarantee compliance with Meta policies, nor applicable data privacy laws. Review Meta's Platform Terms for a comprehensive overview of Meta's requirements.

For more on this topic, take the Short Code:

Data Protocol Course

Onboarding to the Developer Platform

This Short Code provides an introduction to the developer platform, including an in-depth overview of building and managing apps in the App Dashboard

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